How To Choose The Best Tankless Water Heater


Are you looking for the best tankless water heater to buy? Tankless water heaters are designed to avoid the shortcomings of standard heaters, providing a more energy-efficient way to have a steady hot water supply. Using powerful gas burners or electrical elements, they are able to rapidly heat water at the time of use, as opposed to storing it for eventual use. Heating water only when you need it makes sense, and eliminating standby heat loss almost leads to lower energy bills.

Whether you opt for a single point water heater of multi point heater, you need to make the right choice in order to get value for money from the tankless water heater that you will buy. There are two varieties of tankless water heaters, namely centrally-located whole house heaters, and point-of-use heaters for individual fixtures or rooms. Your choice will depend on the water habits of your household as well as the demands of the fixtures involved.

There are some people who choose to install point-of-use water heaters to supplement a central unit, typically at fixtures that use a lot of hot water or are far away from the central water heater. This results into long waits for hot water. Whole house heaters work best in smaller to average-sized homes, but the multiple units can be installed to meet the demands of larger homes.

If you do not want a tankless heater for the whole house but just want to eliminate the wait for hot water at a far-away bathroom, it would be good to look for a point-of-use model that allows for a hot incoming water supply. If you connect your existing hot water supply (from your central water heater) to the tankless unit, it can result in a substantially lower temperature rise, allowing you to purchase a less powerful  and cheaper unit, compared to what you would need when connecting the cold water supply.

For more tips on how to choose the best tankless water heater, visit our website at


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